Wednesday, 7 December 2011

AKBINGO 111207

Airing on Yui's birthday (airing at 24:30, so actually on the 8th locally, this doesn't feature Yui, unless she's in the stage performance.

Same opening as last time, Maeda Ami, Oya Shizuka, Fujie Reina, Matsui Sakiko, Nito Moeno, Satou Sumire, Takeuchi Miyu, Miyazaki Miho, Ichikawa Miori, Shimuda Haruka.

Continuing with last weeks events. Today begins with an event I've only scene once before, the aim is to say as long a word as possible, taking on piece of bread per syllable, so at the end all the bread is gone, however they must start with the last character of the previous persons word, and one piece of bread has a character on it which has to have that character said to be removed.

AKB's team for this event is Miyu, Shimuda, Ami, Moeno, Sakiko and Fresh Lemon. The character to pick up is 'sa'. The voice gives an order of 'no', and Miyu gives 'Nora Neko' or stray cat, Shimuda only just gets in Koala, Ami gives Lion King (7 characters!), Moeno give 'gui' or pile, Sakiko gives 'Ika-zashi' or squid gill apparently as well as taking out the 'sa', Miori to finish gives 'shimauma' or zebra.

SKE's team is Kuwabara Mizuki, Hiramatsu Kanako, Kizaki Yuria, Takayanagi Akane, Sawaka Hato and Matsui Rena. Before starting Sata asks Yuria for 24/6, she does 5*6=30, then does 6*4=27 before realising that's wrong. The answer is 4 by the way. He then has Hato sing 'Bicutori'. That's in english by the way. The character to pick up is 'ku'. The starting order is 'so', leading to socks, leading to 'suzumebachi' or hornet, 'chikamichi' or shortcut which was noted for starting and ending in the same character, 'chikatetsu' or the metro, 'Tsukemono' or pickles and Rena can't think of anything and get's sprayed. Sata quickly offers to words she could have used, noise and note.

AKB again. 'a' is the special character. Order is 'mu'. The words are: 'murasaki imo' or  purple yam, Shimuda again barely gets 'mozuku' a type of seaweed, crystal, romania, 'ame' rain and 'medata' to stand out.

SKE's turn. The special character is 'a'. The order is 'na', leading to, 'nagatto' (no idea what this), triangle, route, 'tomegane' or hook, 'nezumi' or mouse and finally 'mikan' or mandarin.

AKB's turn, but now we have 2 characters, 'e' and 'ke', the order is 'hi'. Hyogo (a prefecture), Goroshike (no idea), some kind of mobile phone I decided as it was taking too much time, Masahiro I think, it's a name, Goma which I think is foreign and Mari.

SKE, characters are 'sa' and 'ni', and the order is 'he'. 'Heso rori' or belly button, restructure, lucky, 'gitaku', Kumonshiki and 'kuta no kini' or north coutry, on the last second, but she's sprayed. It turns out at least one girl took too many pieces.

The score is 3-1 to AKB

I feel I should note we are ten minutes in. It took me 3 hours to get here, and I haven't found all the words.

In the second round the first 5 girls construct a picture of the word, and the 6th girl guesses the word.

AKB's team is Ami, Fujie, Lemon, Shimuda, Shizuka and Myao guessing. Like with the clay I'm going to take my own guess after all 5 have gone, then say the guesser's, and what it was.
I think it's some kind of fruit. Myao reckons it's 'natsu', summer, and she's wrong.I think she then suggested Michael Jordan. I don't know what it was.

SKE's team is Rena, Takayanagi Akane, Kimoto Kanon, Akari Suda, Masana Oya and guessing is Ogiso Shiori. Kanon is made to draw/write SKE for some reason, which is just as well, I couldn't find her name until it told me she was in Team E. On to the word. The best guess I have is a zombie killing pirate. Shiori guesses kendo, and is cleared.

AKB again. As far as I can tell this guys fighting an evil cello with musical notes. Myao suggests what I'm pretty sure was GARO. Sadly she's wrong, as that would've been awesome. She suggests something else (betabel?) and is sprayed again.

SKE again. I'm unorthodoxly guesing from point 2 that it's Kamen Rider. I think point 4 is a poor attempt at a bike. Shiori here guesses Bobby Orogon, who I guess is a wrestler. The guys operating the jets deliberately mess with her by waiting a couple of seconds before spraying. The correct answer was bodybuilder.

Over the day AKB has won 3 to 2.

We then get a Phrasemuseum segment (Yay). I'm not sure if I've explained this, but on the website a topic is advertised and fans can submit lines on the subject for their favorite members to use. Kiyoto chooses between the two and paints on the losers face. Unless it's Mariko. Amina delivers her line, which I guess was kind of funny, and I can't tell who the other one is. Fortunately for me Amina wins, and the other girl get's a monobrow, mustache and goatee.

We now get AKBNEWS. SDN48 is releasing their 4th (and possibly last) single Kudoki Nagara Azuba Juuban, which is a duet with Mino Monta, which I assume is a big deal.
We then get a stage performance of Ue Kara Mariko, and Yui does get an AKBINGO appearance on her birthday, hooray for members not being there.

Next week sees a return of this 'Danso school' thing which I missed the first time, but have seen since.

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